Programming Roles:
Programming Languages:
"From Scratch" Systems:
Rendering Techniques:
Other Programming Skills:
In 2020, while developing Silver Engine, I began to move away from Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) and adopted a more procedural approach.
This shift allowed me to grow significantly as a programmer. My perspective was deeply influenced by developers like Casey Muratori and Jonathan Blow,
who have become key references for me.
I focus on fundamental programming principles and strive to write the simplest code possible.
I firmly believe that SOLID principles and the "Clean Code" approach advocated by Robert C. Martin have, in many cases, done more harm than good.
My philosophy is: No OOP, no UML, no garbage collectors, no interpreted languages—just simple, straightforward, reliable, and high-performance software.
Although I primarily work with C++, which is known for being object-oriented, I restrict myself to using only functions and data structures. This approach makes memory management and program flow more coherent and explicit.
Despite my skepticism about OOP, I have successfully adapted to the development style of
Soul Breach, where we use C# and object-oriented programming.
In 2023, I developed an interest in electronics as a hobby and built a remote-controlled car.
I am currently working on building a drone:
Since I was 15, I've been passionate about calisthenics. I've always believed it's worth investing time every day to stay
active and improve physical abilities.
I was also a member of a calisthenics club called Silver Barzz, a group of friends who traveled across Spain to connect with others who shared our passion for the sport.